Corinna Santa Ana

SEO Content Writing for Health & Wellness Brands

Tag: repurposing

  • Content Repurposing vs. Reposting

    I got caught up in a post I was reading on LinkedIn the other day. It had a great hook and told a good story. By the time I got to the end I was ready to answer its CTA. But then, my momentum got totally derailed. The post read “Link in bio.” Link in…

  • Tired of Feeding the Content Marketing Monster?

    Ah, content marketing. That ever-hungry beast that demands a constant stream of fresh, engaging content to satisfy the digital gods and ever-fickle algorithms. As a content marketing manager you work diligently, crafting comprehensive content calendars followed by tirelessly producing blog posts, social media updates, downloadable assets, podcasts, infographics, etc. The list seems endless. Yet the…