Corinna Santa Ana

SEO Content Writing for Health & Wellness Brands

About Corinna

About Corinna Santa Ana - SEO content writer for health and wellness brands

Hi, I’m Corinna Santa Ana (Cornejo). With more than a decade of experience crafting health communications, I specialize in SEO content writing, editing, and refreshing for health and wellness brands.

My Passion: Health & Wellness

My journey in health and wellness goes beyond being a content writing marketing professional. Throughout my time working at a diabetes nonprofit and advocating for patients, again and again I saw how access to accurate, engaging content makes all the difference.

Well-written content empowers and motivates people as they navigate their own health journeys. The right information made accessible helps people make better health decisions. Which is why I make producing clear and engaging clinically-backed content the hallmark of my efforts.

“[Corinna’s] deep knowledge and appreciation of both the nuances of health information and the needs of the audiences seeking those health insights make her writing useful and actionable to audiences across the healthcare landscape, from industry to providers to patients.” – Melissa Lee, Director of Community Relations

SEO Expertise: Tailored for Your Needs

As I see it, the benefits of SEO go beyond optimizing for search. Writing for SEO instills discipline and focus. Which, in turn, ensures I deliver clear, consistent messaging that aligns with and supports your goals.

But it doesn’t stop there. By incorporating SEO best practices your content becomes more easily discoverable by the people searching for the very health and wellness solutions you provide.

A Collaborative Partner

Through collaborative partnerships we get better results. Working together we’ll draw on our industry knowledge, your in-house brand expertise, and my SEO writing skills. The result will be engaging content optimized that not only gets you found online but also gets the reader to take action.

“Corinna brought a fresh perspective to issues and topics in her writing for DiabetesMine. She was easy to collaborate with and brought a passion for sharing the patient POV.” – Amy Tenderich, Editor-in-Chief

To read more about the services I offer, go to my Services page. You can also check out my portfolio on Authory and my LinkedIn profile.

Unlock the Power of Collaborative Content Creation

Don’t let your valuable health product or service go unnoticed. Schedule a discovery call with me today, and let’s discuss how together we can build a content strategy that connects with your ideal audience and gets them to take action.